When I started on this reflective blog journey a little over a month ago, I envisioned having much more figured out by now. I will be face to face with students in my classroom two weeks from today and I still have many ideas floating and jumbled.

Last week, having just finished my Responsive Classroom course, I was at the beach with my family. Trying to embrace the chance to relax and unwind, I didn't take (much) professional reading with me. I read for pleasure, I slept in, I went on excursions and all the while the ideas were percolating. My intent was for the ideas to fall into place and organize themselves, but no such luck. They multiplied. Like bunnies.
So now here I sit on the couch, intent on organizing my ideas. As I learned in my RC course I need to focus on the first six weeks of school, and I left that week with a bit of a plan for how that works (And I need to make this need clear to admin who typically expect us to jump into programs on day 2 or 3) Thinking through all that I must model, the teacher language I must use and what I want to accomplish I have to think through what I want to do this year, and what I want to introduce.
Procedures - This is a given in 1st grade, but it is going to be even more important this year. I need to model EVERYTHING, and model some more. If things get off track, I've got to stop and remodel.
Morning Meeting/Closing Circle - This is everything! Though it is a chunk of my schedule the safe community it will build will have greater impact down the road and as the routine is established I can begin to weave in academics.
Reader's/Writer's Workshop - I have not had a true workshop for reading or writing in the past. Actually I haven't even been a great model for writing in the past few years. I read a
great article connecting the first six weeks of school and writers workshop which I will read and reread over the next couple weeks. I've also got some amazing ideas from Kathy Collins and thanks to her book,
Growing Readers I know this is the year I can do it and do it right.
Seesaw - I am very excited to begin using this app to support my students in creating digital portfolios of their progress. I want to start that first week, even with something as simple as a picture, modeling and supporting students in their first steps towards digital literacy.
Mindsets - I've mentioned before my desire to teach my students what it takes to have a growth mindset and to be flexible and resilient learners. I need to be guiding them through discovering the elements of a growth mindset and spotting it in themselves and others. I think I will be referencing and rereading
A Mindset for Learning many times this year!
Inquiry - Even if it is just one topic this year, I want my students to experience and learn through true inquiry. This will be a challenge for me, as my large team often wants to be teaching the same thing, on the same day, with the same final outcome. If I am letting student interest guide the learning it may not lined up with the designated team topic. I know if I can show my team and administration that students can meet objectives and show growth while exploring their own learning, I will be able to incorporate inquiry more in the future.
I am slowly building a map for the year, and a plan for the first six weeks. When I lay the groundwork properly I know my students will be prepared for an amazing year of learning.