Since that first training plan and first half marathon I have run 5 or 7 more (yes I've actually lost track) and tried a few different plans. Now, instead of fearing the 13 miles I can often be heard saying "It's only 13 miles," or "I'm just heading out for a 7 mile run." The elusive 26.2 marathon is still looming out there but I can't fathom fitting in 40-50 miles the week we go back to school. No way. But I know if I find a training plan I could do it.

(My father and I running last year...finish strong!)
When I run--especially when its not a fun run--I do a lot of thinking. So rather than thinking up the giant hill ahead I thought about my school year. I want to make this school year amazing! I want to reinvent what I am doing and change the structure of my classroom and my teaching. A big piece of that is Responsive Classroom. I will be taking the class in two weeks and I cannot wait. Most of the reading and learning (inquiry, Amplify, A Mindset for Learning, Purposeful Play, Growing Readers) I have been/will be doing show me that it will be
When it comes to running, hoping doesn't work. Finding and following a plan works. Hoping doesn't work for teaching either. Of course if I google 'half marathon training plan' I have at least 20 great options. It isn't as easy to google 'how to reinvent your teaching in 6-8 weeks' though. So for my next two weeks I am going to lay out some of my plans and be ready for how it will come together once I add the Responsive Classroom piece.
For now I should head out for a run and start to organize the many thoughts & ideas in my head...
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