Thursday, July 14, 2016


I am working to develop a vision of how my school year will pan out. Each group of first graders is different, my team of first grade teachers has changed a bit and our school will be under the guidance of a new principal. For the second year in a row.

Over the course of this summer, just 3 weeks in, I am overflowing with ideas and need to put them down somewhere before I forget them. 
Caution, braindump in process.*

Twitter--I can connect with educators & authors and build my tribe AND connect my class with the world. Twitter chats have already rocked my world.

Padlet/Popplet--I can use these in so many ways. I may create some of my class webs, charts, thinking etc. here so I can print them out as a pdf for everyone to have a copy or for reference to share digitally. I can create one that has images and previewed links to sites and articles for students to begin research within an inquiry. I know my students will come up with so many more ways to use this that I can't even think of now.

Google Apps for Education--I need to explore and learn more. My students have google logins and I want them to become familiar with a few things they can do.

iMovie/Sonic Pics/30 Hands/Explain Everything--There are a ton of apps out there like this that I need to play with and figure out what works best. For now I picture my students using these for digital storytelling and explaining their thinking in math.

Seesaw or Keynote--Have the students cultivate a portfolio of learning to include photos, videos, notes, drawings, and links. This would be great to share with parents, and eventually they could share their learning with their families.

Lego Movie Maker/Stop Motion Studio--I am thinking of delving in with a bit of stop motion movie making, but that may be a year 2 or 3 dream. Baby steps.

Mystery Skype--I MUST do this! We learn a bit about maps in 1st (and sit on a USA rug so they are familiar with the names of states) and I think this would make it more meaningful for the children and would be an amazing way to amplify their learning. They are so ego centric and do not realize how different the world outside their classroom and town is. I want to show them. 

Recording Studio--I want to set one up in the classroom and have students document their thinking in math, their reading fluency, and give them another outlet to have a voice with the greater world.

Blogging--I am thinking of working with the class to build up their digital citizenship by working on a blog. I am not sure what platform to use (Kidblog?) or how we would go about posting. As a class? Give individuals turns?

Book Creator--sometimes the act of publishing the paper book doesn't come to fruition in my room. Perhaps a digital book would work.

I was reading a great blog post [who knows where in the rabbit hole!] about innovators and how they accomplished what they did, and basically they knew what they believed in, stood strong, and worked HARD. This is what I need to do as I prepare for the school year and beyond.

*I would also LOVE for you to add to the braindump by commenting with any ideas or suggestions for how else we can amplify our students learning and inquiry this year!


  1. This is such an awesome post highlighting the amazing new tools we've explored this week! I also am feeling slightly overwhelmed with all of this, but am already circulating ideas on how different things will fit in to my instruction. Mystery Skype makes me so excited, and I think it's so great how it can be used in various ways for different grade levels. Maybe your students could also come up with interview questions they would like to ask kids from other places. Thank you for listing these resources in one spot!!

  2. Your brain is dumping out ideas like mine for the upcoming year...a complete waterfall. all your ideas are wonderful. However, I would suggest doing a mystery skype with a team member's classroom using an assortment of books both classes have read and have students ask questions about setting, characters, problem. It would be a simple way to work on questioning and practicing the "jobs" before you went on to a bigger geography mystery skype. Have Fun!

  3. I like how we've been able to experience many of these tools as students, not just teachers who may use them, and the Mystery Skype worked especially well for me. Even though it's not as applicable in my classes - at least the way we used it today - the activity made it clear how fun and engaging these tech tools can make the classroom experience. Your students are lucky that you're taking this class!

  4. Love your brain dump! I share some of the same goals. I have been thinking about using Mystery Skype too, but I was thinking that I might like to do something with authors. I could actually start with language arts teachers in my own building with that. We don't do a lot of geography in 7th grade LA, but I desperately want to try that Mystery Skype!
